author: PeskyProducts
2 layer board of 0.71 x 0.31 inches (18.0 x 7.8 mm)
August 15, 2014
August 15, 2014
Total Price:
Breakout board for ST Microelectronics' VL6180X proximity sensor for breadboarding with Teensy and Arduino. VIN is between 3 and 5.5 V. Sensor uses laser range finding (!) to detect absolute distances independent of surface reflectance up to 10 cm away or more depending on ambient lighting. Can b…
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Breakout board for ST Microelectronics' VL6180X proximity sensor for breadboarding with Teensy and Arduino. VIN is between 3 and 5.5 V. Sensor uses laser range finding (!) to detect absolute distances independent of surface reflectance up to 10 cm away or more depending on ambient lighting. Can b…
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author: RussNelson
2 layer board of 2.45 x 3.22 inches (62.2 x 81.8 mm)
October 31, 2013
August 14, 2014
Total Price:
Read a pH, conductivity, and DO proble.
Read a pH, conductivity, and DO proble.
2 layer board of 0.71 x 0.41 inches (17.9 x 10.3 mm)
August 14, 2014
August 14, 2014
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Adapter board for nRF24L01+ 2.4 GHz rf radio to mount directly on top of Teensy 3.1
Adapter board for nRF24L01+ 2.4 GHz rf radio to mount directly on top of Teensy 3.1
author: PaulStoffregen
2 layer board of 1.45 x 1.85 inches (36.9 x 47.1 mm)
August 12, 2014
August 13, 2014
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Logic Level Shifter
author: pmacdougal
2 layer board of 1.09 x 1.60 inches (27.6 x 40.6 mm)
August 13, 2014
August 13, 2014
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5v to 3.3v logic level shifter board
5v to 3.3v logic level shifter board
Reflow oven Controller
author: Crusader68
2 layer board of 3.94 x 1.97 inches (100.0 x 50.0 mm)
July 04, 2014
August 13, 2014
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0xpit's reflow oven controller
0xpit's reflow oven controller
Solder Station shield for RT tips
author: Crusader68
2 layer board of 2.25 x 2.17 inches (57.0 x 55.0 mm)
August 11, 2014
August 13, 2014
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An Arduino compatable shield that allows you to control the temp of a Weller RT1 tip(wmrp handle isnt needed as RT tips house the heater and temp sensor)
An Arduino compatable shield that allows you to control the temp of a Weller RT1 tip(wmrp handle isnt needed as RT tips house the heater and temp sensor)
author: PeskyProducts
2 layer board of 0.71 x 0.51 inches (17.9 x 12.8 mm)
August 13, 2014
August 13, 2014
Total Price:
MAX21100 6-axis gyro/accelerometer motion sensor plus LIS3MDL 3-axis magnetometer plus MS5637 24-bit pressure sensor. This board can be a Mini Add-On shield for Teensy 3.1 or a standalone breakout board for Arduino breadboard use. Solder jumpers on the back change the source of power to make it …
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MAX21100 6-axis gyro/accelerometer motion sensor plus LIS3MDL 3-axis magnetometer plus MS5637 24-bit pressure sensor. This board can be a Mini Add-On shield for Teensy 3.1 or a standalone breakout board for Arduino breadboard use. Solder jumpers on the back change the source of power to make it …
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author: USBtoROS_Connector
2 layer board of 1.01 x 1.01 inches (25.7 x 25.7 mm)
August 12, 2014
August 13, 2014
Total Price:
5V preamp for OMAP5
5V preamp for OMAP5