MMA7660 3-Axis Accelerometer Breakout v1.1
author: Jenner
2 layer board of 0.55 x 0.47 inches (14.0 x 11.8 mm)
March 08, 2017
March 08, 2017
Total Price:
MMA7660 3-axis Accelerometer breadboard-compatible breakout board.
The I2C lines already have 1K pullup resistors so there’s no need for any external parts.
The Github repo has the design and parts list.
This project is released under the Open Hardware License v1.2.
MMA7660 3-axis Accelerometer breadboard-compatible breakout board.
The I2C lines already have 1K pullup resistors so there’s no need for any external parts.
The Github repo has the design and parts list.
This project is released under the Open Hardware License v1.2.