author: PeskyProducts
2 layer board of 0.71 x 0.51 inches (17.9 x 12.8 mm)
January 06, 2015
January 06, 2015
Total Price:
Bosch’s new BNO-055 9-axis motion sensor plus MS5637 pressure sensor. The BNO-055 has an embedded Cortex M0 ARM processor as well as accel/gyro and mag for a purely hardware absolute orientation solution. This is either a mini Teensy 3.1 shield or a conventional breakout board, choice is made via solder pads on back which bring 3V3 and GND out to edge pins. Sensor can be accessed either via I2C, UART, or HID-I2C on Windows 8 by changing solder pads PS0 and PS1 on back. Lastly, BNO-055 I2C address LSB can be changed via solder pad ADO so two can be on the same circuit, if desired. Added boot pin breakout.
Bosch’s new BNO-055 9-axis motion sensor plus MS5637 pressure sensor. The BNO-055 has an embedded Cortex M0 ARM processor as well as accel/gyro and mag for a purely hardware absolute orientation solution. This is either a mini Teensy 3.1 shield or a conventional breakout board, choice is made via solder pads on back which bring 3V3 and GND out to edge pins. Sensor can be accessed either via I2C, UART, or HID-I2C on Windows 8 by changing solder pads PS0 and PS1 on back. Lastly, BNO-055 I2C address LSB can be changed via solder pad ADO so two can be on the same circuit, if desired. Added boot pin breakout.