HD44780 Serial LCD Backpack
author: serisman
2 layer board of 1.60 x 0.45 inches (40.7 x 11.5 mm)
July 09, 2014
July 09, 2014
Total Price:
1-wire, 4-bit, using 74HC595 Shift Register
$1.20 each ($3.60 for 3)
Use the LiquidCrystal_SR1W code from the ‘New LiquidCrystal’ Arduino library:
Component: [Sizes] Values (description)
- U1: [SOIC-16N] 74HC595 (the shift register)
- VR1: [3296W, 3362P (or similar)] 10k (for contrast control)
- C1: [0805] 0.1uF (decoupling capacitor)
- C2,C3: [0805] 2.2nF (part of the 1-wire input circuit)
- D1: [SOD80 (~1206)] LL4148 (or similar) (part of the 1-wire input circuit)
- Q1: [SOT-23] NPN (~MMBT2222A or similar) or N-Channel (~2N7002 or similar) (used to allow software control of the backlight LED)
- R1: [0805] 1k-10k (used to limit the current through the base/gate of Q1)
- R2,R3: [0805] 1.5k (part of the 1-wire input circuit)
- R4: [1206] ~100 ohm (used to limit the current through the backlight LED)
1-wire, 4-bit, using 74HC595 Shift Register
$1.20 each ($3.60 for 3)
Use the LiquidCrystal_SR1W code from the ‘New LiquidCrystal’ Arduino library:
Component: [Sizes] Values (description)
- U1: [SOIC-16N] 74HC595 (the shift register)
- VR1: [3296W, 3362P (or similar)] 10k (for contrast control)
- C1: [0805] 0.1uF (decoupling capacitor)
- C2,C3: [0805] 2.2nF (part of the 1-wire input circuit)
- D1: [SOD80 (~1206)] LL4148 (or similar) (part of the 1-wire input circuit)
- Q1: [SOT-23] NPN (~MMBT2222A or similar) or N-Channel (~2N7002 or similar) (used to allow software control of the backlight LED)
- R1: [0805] 1k-10k (used to limit the current through the base/gate of Q1)
- R2,R3: [0805] 1.5k (part of the 1-wire input circuit)
- R4: [1206] ~100 ohm (used to limit the current through the backlight LED)