DRSSTC Bridge V2.1
author: dewhisna
2 layer board of 5.31 x 5.01 inches (134.8 x 127.2 mm)
September 27, 2019
September 28, 2019
Total Price:
Dual Resonance Solid-State Tesla Coil Full-Bridge V2.1. Replaces the older V2 version. This version uses larger barrier connectors and has wider feeder traces with solder-mask to allow for reflow-solder to increase current capacity. Suggested to use 2oz copper.
Dual Resonance Solid-State Tesla Coil Full-Bridge V2.1. Replaces the older V2 version. This version uses larger barrier connectors and has wider feeder traces with solder-mask to allow for reflow-solder to increase current capacity. Suggested to use 2oz copper.