Rodan CD11 Nixie Tube Adapter
author: judge2005
2 layer board of 1.23 x 1.57 inches (31.1 x 39.8 mm)
June 23, 2018
August 19, 2018
Total Price:
A CD11 adapter for my one-tube Nixie clock. These tubes have 1mm pins that plug in to a socket. This board is intended to use female D-SUB pins as a ‘socket’. These are often listed on eBay as ‘1mm tube socket pins’.
The board includes pads for a neopixel and for a current limiting resistor.
A CD11 adapter for my one-tube Nixie clock. These tubes have 1mm pins that plug in to a socket. This board is intended to use female D-SUB pins as a ‘socket’. These are often listed on eBay as ‘1mm tube socket pins’.
The board includes pads for a neopixel and for a current limiting resistor.