CAT-1000 seperate radio ports
author: KC8UFV
2 layer board of 0.65 x 1.40 inches (16.5 x 35.6 mm)
January 20, 2015
January 20, 2015
Total Price:
This board is to break out the single connector on the CAT-1000 repeater controller to two discrete radio ports. Both ports are wired the same, with pins 1, 6, 8, and 9 as ground, 2 for PL in, 3 for PTT out, 4 for TX Audio, 5 for RX audio, and 7 for COR. For those with both a RLC CLUB Deluxe II repeater controller, this is the same pinout. This was simply put onto a board to ensure all connections are properly made, and reduce the likelyhood of them coming loose in operation. The schematic for this board may be downloaded here
I have also designed an indicator board that may optionally be stacked on top of this one to provide diagnostic LEDs for the status of the digital lines on the two radio ports.
This board is to break out the single connector on the CAT-1000 repeater controller to two discrete radio ports. Both ports are wired the same, with pins 1, 6, 8, and 9 as ground, 2 for PL in, 3 for PTT out, 4 for TX Audio, 5 for RX audio, and 7 for COR. For those with both a RLC CLUB Deluxe II repeater controller, this is the same pinout. This was simply put onto a board to ensure all connections are properly made, and reduce the likelyhood of them coming loose in operation. The schematic for this board may be downloaded here
I have also designed an indicator board that may optionally be stacked on top of this one to provide diagnostic LEDs for the status of the digital lines on the two radio ports.