author: Petezah
2 layer board of 0.46 x 0.62 inches (11.6 x 15.6 mm)
February 04, 2017
February 04, 2017
Total Price:
Breakout for a VSSIP10 chip. NB: This is a very specific application, and pins 10 and 6 are actually connected for that reason. If you need pin 10 broken out separate, cut the trace at the top of the DIP footprint and solder a jumper from pin 10 on the VSSOP to pin 10 on the DIP. ALSO: there happens to be a via right under the dot on the silkscreen; so just pay attention to where the “U1” marker is when orienting the chip. :(
Breakout for a VSSIP10 chip. NB: This is a very specific application, and pins 10 and 6 are actually connected for that reason. If you need pin 10 broken out separate, cut the trace at the top of the DIP footprint and solder a jumper from pin 10 on the VSSOP to pin 10 on the DIP. ALSO: there happens to be a via right under the dot on the silkscreen; so just pay attention to where the “U1” marker is when orienting the chip. :(