Digital Clock DC-002 (V1.2b)
author: Joeyhagedorn
2 layer board of 1.98 x 2.03 inches (50.4 x 51.5 mm)
December 06, 2016
December 06, 2016
Total Price:
A small and highly accurate digital clock using HPDL-1414 LED displays, DS3231 RTC, a rotary encoder for menu UI, and USB interface for synchronization with a computer. The “b” revision fixes silkscreen text blurriness. If you’re interested in building one yourself, there is no step-by-step guide, but a full list of resources to do so is available at
A small and highly accurate digital clock using HPDL-1414 LED displays, DS3231 RTC, a rotary encoder for menu UI, and USB interface for synchronization with a computer. The “b” revision fixes silkscreen text blurriness. If you’re interested in building one yourself, there is no step-by-step guide, but a full list of resources to do so is available at