LED flashlight "cheapies" add-on R-board v2
author: Heisenbug
2 layer board of 1.80 x 0.90 inches (45.7 x 22.9 mm)
April 28, 2015
May 02, 2015
Total Price:
Confirmed Fixed.
A re-work of the original design for a flashlight mod. Larger diameter and hopefully you’ll agree an improved method for making it a break-apart design (some sanding required). See above link for details and the backstory.
Tested, little or nothing to go wrong except in assembly or handling. Use a wide-jaw pliers to carefully and precisely snap off the text tabs first, then snap apart the two halves and sand the edges down as much as you require to fit your own flashlight(s). Add one or both resistors per instructions linked above, and let there be light!
Confirmed Fixed.
A re-work of the original design for a flashlight mod. Larger diameter and hopefully you’ll agree an improved method for making it a break-apart design (some sanding required). See above link for details and the backstory.
Tested, little or nothing to go wrong except in assembly or handling. Use a wide-jaw pliers to carefully and precisely snap off the text tabs first, then snap apart the two halves and sand the edges down as much as you require to fit your own flashlight(s). Add one or both resistors per instructions linked above, and let there be light!