author: WarHawk-AVG
2 layer board of 1.44 x 0.75 inches (36.5 x 19.0 mm)
March 14, 2018
March 14, 2018
Total Price:
2 layer board of 1.44 x 0.75 inches (36.5 x 19.1mm) 3 boards will cost $5.35
Hassle free 3D printing using ESP8266 : This LUA code and Adapter for ESP8266 provides wireless networking for RepRap 3D printers. No wired connection is required during the print job - just stream your Gcode up to the ESP module’s IP address.
From the day of its launch, the ‘ESP8266’ is under the spotlight of many makers, electronic enthusiasts and hackers. The Creatorbot team was quite impressed with the ESP module and we were curious to see if we could interface this module with our 3D printer. When we decided to do it, I started researching on the tool chain for developing on the ESP module and found that LUA API from NodeMcu would be a good start. The code quality if definitely not perfect but it works fine. To make it easy to use I have develeopped ESP8266 adapter for RAMPS 3D printer shield using Eagle CAD.
WiFi enabled G-Code streaming.
Remote control and monitor your printer.
Automatically displays the IP address of ESP module on your printer LCD.
Same adapter can also be used to connect HC-05 / HC0-06 Bluetooth module to RAMPS 3D printer shield.
This is an all in one board instead of having to use the regulator module, and allows direct plugin to the ramps board
2 layer board of 1.44 x 0.75 inches (36.5 x 19.1mm) 3 boards will cost $5.35
Hassle free 3D printing using ESP8266 : This LUA code and Adapter for ESP8266 provides wireless networking for RepRap 3D printers. No wired connection is required during the print job - just stream your Gcode up to the ESP module’s IP address.
From the day of its launch, the ‘ESP8266’ is under the spotlight of many makers, electronic enthusiasts and hackers. The Creatorbot team was quite impressed with the ESP module and we were curious to see if we could interface this module with our 3D printer. When we decided to do it, I started researching on the tool chain for developing on the ESP module and found that LUA API from NodeMcu would be a good start. The code quality if definitely not perfect but it works fine. To make it easy to use I have develeopped ESP8266 adapter for RAMPS 3D printer shield using Eagle CAD.
WiFi enabled G-Code streaming.
Remote control and monitor your printer.
Automatically displays the IP address of ESP module on your printer LCD.
Same adapter can also be used to connect HC-05 / HC0-06 Bluetooth module to RAMPS 3D printer shield.
This is an all in one board instead of having to use the regulator module, and allows direct plugin to the ramps board