1Hz Generator PCB for Breadboard
author: rupin
2 layer board of 1.17 x 2.03 inches (29.8 x 51.7 mm)
June 16, 2024
June 24, 2024
Total Price:
Often Times, we need a clock signal on digital logic circuits, more often when students in a class are experimenting and learning.
This circuits used a 32.768 kHz crustal and a few frequency divider ICS to generate 12 different clocks of 0.5Hz, 1Hz, 2Hz, 4Hz, 8Hz, 32Hz, 64Hz, 128Hz, 256Hz, 512Hz, 1024Hz, 2048Hz. It plugs directly into a MB102 sized breadboard and borrows power from the headers on the top rail. (Bottom rail headers is for support only)
A 1n4148 diode provides reverse polarity protection. PCB is made with Through Hole Components to be beginner friendly. BOM
1n4148 Diode x1
16v 100uf Electrolytic Capacitor x 1
CD4060 x1
CD4013 x 1
6.8Mohm resistors x 2
1kohm x 1
330kohm x 1
32.768 kHz crystal x1
33pF ceramic Capacitors x 2
2x6 headers x 2
1x12 headers x 1
IC socket 14 pin x1
IC socket 16pin x 1
5mm LED ( Red Color) x1
2x1 Header x2
PCB tested and confirmed to be working
Often Times, we need a clock signal on digital logic circuits, more often when students in a class are experimenting and learning.
This circuits used a 32.768 kHz crustal and a few frequency divider ICS to generate 12 different clocks of 0.5Hz, 1Hz, 2Hz, 4Hz, 8Hz, 32Hz, 64Hz, 128Hz, 256Hz, 512Hz, 1024Hz, 2048Hz. It plugs directly into a MB102 sized breadboard and borrows power from the headers on the top rail. (Bottom rail headers is for support only)
A 1n4148 diode provides reverse polarity protection. PCB is made with Through Hole Components to be beginner friendly. BOM
1n4148 Diode x1
16v 100uf Electrolytic Capacitor x 1
CD4060 x1
CD4013 x 1
6.8Mohm resistors x 2
1kohm x 1
330kohm x 1
32.768 kHz crystal x1
33pF ceramic Capacitors x 2
2x6 headers x 2
1x12 headers x 1
IC socket 14 pin x1
IC socket 16pin x 1
5mm LED ( Red Color) x1
2x1 Header x2
PCB tested and confirmed to be working