CPS2 I/O Interface (old)
author: RGB
2 layer board of 5.51 x 1.22 inches (140.0 x 31.0 mm)
January 06, 2019
January 06, 2019
Total Price:
EDIT: I forgot to specify the ATX connector orientation, so please follow this - https://644db4de3505c40a0444-327723bce298e3ff5813fb42baeefbaa.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/d06747c576ca0a4869413bb95988b6e1.png
or just order PCBs with corrected silkscreen - https://oshpark.com/shared_projects/Zjf0XU71
Parts list:
EDIT: I forgot to specify the ATX connector orientation, so please follow this - https://644db4de3505c40a0444-327723bce298e3ff5813fb42baeefbaa.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/d06747c576ca0a4869413bb95988b6e1.png
or just order PCBs with corrected silkscreen - https://oshpark.com/shared_projects/Zjf0XU71
Parts list: