Open Panzer Sound Card v3
author: OpenPanzer
2 layer board of 2.88 x 1.59 inches (73.2 x 40.3 mm)
July 23rd 2018
July 23rd 2018
Total Price:
The Open Panzer Sound Card brings inexpensive, high quality, and open source sound functionality to RC models. It supports up to 32 GB of CD quality WAV files and provides 3 light outputs and a recoil servo output.
The physical board is actually made up of two components. First, an off-the-shelf PJRC Teensy 3.2 is used as the onboard processor. The Teensy is then plugged into a socket on our custom carrier board that adds a Micro SD card slot (max 32 GB), a Maxim 9768 10 watt mono amplifier, and headers for external connections.
There are two control methods available:
- By up to 5 channels of standard RC input. Each channel can be configured for multiple types of control, including switches of up to 6 positions. In this mode board settings are defined by an “ini” file which the user must include on the micro-SD memory card along with their sound files. A convenient INI Creator Utility can be downloaded which makes generating the ini file a breeze (Windows only). Instructions for using the sound card in RC mode can be found here
- Alternatively the sound card can be controlled via TTL serial by the Open Panzer TCB (Tank Control Board) or by any other microcontroller. When controlled by the TCB all configuration is handled by the TCB and its own Windows program called OP Config. Instructions for using the sound card with the TCB can be found here
- GitHub Page
- A discussion thread on the development of this card can be found on the Open Panzer Forum.
- Eagle Board and Schematic (zip)
- Printable Schematic (pdf)
- Bill of Materials - PDF - Excel
Changes in Version 3 include light and servo outputs, and mounting holes with identical spacing to the TCB.
Changes in Version 2 include a 10 watt amp (up from 2.6 watt in V1) and a reverse polarity diode on the voltage input.
Version 3, updated 7/23/2018
The Open Panzer Sound Card brings inexpensive, high quality, and open source sound functionality to RC models. It supports up to 32 GB of CD quality WAV files and provides 3 light outputs and a recoil servo output.
The physical board is actually made up of two components. First, an off-the-shelf PJRC Teensy 3.2 is used as the onboard processor. The Teensy is then plugged into a socket on our custom carrier board that adds a Micro SD card slot (max 32 GB), a Maxim 9768 10 watt mono amplifier, and headers for external connections.
There are two control methods available:
- By up to 5 channels of standard RC input. Each channel can be configured for multiple types of control, including switches of up to 6 positions. In this mode board settings are defined by an “ini” file which the user must include on the micro-SD memory card along with their sound files. A convenient INI Creator Utility can be downloaded which makes generating the ini file a breeze (Windows only). Instructions for using the sound card in RC mode can be found here
- Alternatively the sound card can be controlled via TTL serial by the Open Panzer TCB (Tank Control Board) or by any other microcontroller. When controlled by the TCB all configuration is handled by the TCB and its own Windows program called OP Config. Instructions for using the sound card with the TCB can be found here
- GitHub Page
- A discussion thread on the development of this card can be found on the Open Panzer Forum.
- Eagle Board and Schematic (zip)
- Printable Schematic (pdf)
- Bill of Materials - PDF - Excel
Changes in Version 3 include light and servo outputs, and mounting holes with identical spacing to the TCB.
Changes in Version 2 include a 10 watt amp (up from 2.6 watt in V1) and a reverse polarity diode on the voltage input.
Version 3, updated 7/23/2018