Tau Labs Sparky 2.0
author: peabody124
4 layer board of 1.43 x 1.43 inches (36.3 x 36.3 mm)
May 12, 2015
May 12, 2015
Total Price:
This is the Sparky 2.0 flight controller for Tau Labs. It features an F4 processor, MPU9250 mag/gyro/accel, MS5611 barometer, CAN transceiver, RFM22b radio module and more.
Find more information at the Tau Labs wik or my blog. Also available for purchase preassembled here
This is the Sparky 2.0 flight controller for Tau Labs. It features an F4 processor, MPU9250 mag/gyro/accel, MS5611 barometer, CAN transceiver, RFM22b radio module and more.
Find more information at the Tau Labs wik or my blog. Also available for purchase preassembled here