KS0108 128x64 Graphic LCD - 2-wire shift register backpack - v1.0
2 layer board of 1.80 x 0.50 inches (45.8 x 12.8 mm)
February 07, 2016
February 19, 2016
Total Price:
KS0108 128x64 Graphic LCD - 2-wire shift register backpack - v1.0
$1.50 each ($4.50 for 3)
NOTE: Working design, but AVR-GCC / Arduino library have not yet been published.
Component: [Sizes] Values (description)
- U1,U2: [SOIC-16N] 74HC595 (the shift registers)
- VR1: [32…
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KS0108 128x64 Graphic LCD - 2-wire shift register backpack - v1.0
$1.50 each ($4.50 for 3)
NOTE: Working design, but AVR-GCC / Arduino library have not yet been published.
Component: [Sizes] Values (description)
- U1,U2: [SOIC-16N] 74HC595 (the shift registers)
- VR1: [32…
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Reversible Breadboard LEDs
2 layer board of 0.30 x 0.40 inches (7.7 x 10.3 mm)
February 09, 2016
February 09, 2016
Total Price:
$0.20 each ($0.60 for 3)
Pick a side (sourcing or sinking), and install the 3 leds (SMD 0805) on the top side with the indicated orientation.
Install current limiting resistors (SMD 0805) and pin headers on the bottom side.
Note, the VCC / GND pins are already tied together.
$0.20 each ($0.60 for 3)
Pick a side (sourcing or sinking), and install the 3 leds (SMD 0805) on the top side with the indicated orientation.
Install current limiting resistors (SMD 0805) and pin headers on the bottom side.
Note, the VCC / GND pins are already tied together.
Crystal Breadboard Breakout
2 layer board of 0.30 x 0.25 inches (7.7 x 6.4 mm)
February 09, 2016
February 09, 2016
Total Price:
$0.12 each ($0.35 for 3)
Designed to match up with the GND, XTAL1, and XTAL2 pins of the Atmel ATmega series.
Install the appropriate load capacitors (~22pF - SMD 0805) on the bottom side.
$0.12 each ($0.35 for 3)
Designed to match up with the GND, XTAL1, and XTAL2 pins of the Atmel ATmega series.
Install the appropriate load capacitors (~22pF - SMD 0805) on the bottom side.
HD44780 LCD Contrast Backpack
2 layer board of 0.52 x 0.34 inches (13.3 x 8.7 mm)
August 14, 2015
August 14, 2015
Total Price:
$0.2833 each ($0.85 for 3)
This module allows the use of common 5v LCDs with systems that have less than 5v (i.e. battery operated systems). It can be mounted directly on top of the first three pins (1,2,3) of the LCD.
Populate U1 with a LM334M and VR1 with a 1k potentiometer.
For a >4v…
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$0.2833 each ($0.85 for 3)
This module allows the use of common 5v LCDs with systems that have less than 5v (i.e. battery operated systems). It can be mounted directly on top of the first three pins (1,2,3) of the LCD.
Populate U1 with a LM334M and VR1 with a 1k potentiometer.
For a >4v…
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CP2102 USB to TTL to Arduino Pro Mini Adapter
2 layer board of 0.30 x 0.60 inches (7.6 x 15.3 mm)
February 09, 2015
February 09, 2015
Total Price:
$0.30 each ($0.90 for 3)
CP2102 USB to TTL
NOTE: If you want to use the auto-reset capabilities, you will need to cut the trace going to the RS…
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$0.30 each ($0.90 for 3)
CP2102 USB to TTL
NOTE: If you want to use the auto-reset capabilities, you will need to cut the trace going to the RS…
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