Shared Projects by scalz

Shared Projects by scalz


2 layer board of 0.54 x 0.70 inches (13.6 x 17.8 mm)
Uploaded: November 24, 2016
Shared: November 24, 2016
Total Price: $1.85

Simple Eval board for BQ25504

Simple Eval board for BQ25504

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Mysensors OTA&Authentication Eval Rev1.1

2 layer board of 0.76 x 0.57 inches (19.3 x 14.6 mm)
Uploaded: January 07, 2016
Shared: January 07, 2016
Total Price: $2.15

OTA with eeprom (based on Dualoptiboot) and Authentication with ATSHA204A based on Mysensors Libs

OTA with eeprom (based on Dualoptiboot) and Authentication with ATSHA204A based on Mysensors Libs

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