Shared Projects by rhulme

Shared Projects by rhulme


2 layer board of 2.25 x 1.58 inches (57.2 x 40.1 mm)
Uploaded: October 11, 2017
Shared: October 11, 2017
Total Price: $17.75

Filament Width Sensor with 3 LEDs, TSL1401CL, and Arduino Pro Micro by inornate

Filament Width Sensor with 3 LEDs, TSL1401CL, and Arduino Pro Micro by inornate

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RepRap Opto Endstop v2.1

2 layer board of 1.53 x 0.65 inches (38.9 x 16.5 mm)
Uploaded: December 31, 2013
Shared: December 10, 2015
Total Price: $4.95

RepRap Opto Endstop v2.1

RepRap Opto Endstop v2.1

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