B-5971 Nixie Tube - SmartSocket TypeA (1of3)
2 layer board of 0.79 x 1.56 inches (20.1 x 39.6 mm)
April 19, 2014
June 09, 2014
Total Price:
Socket Board for Burroughs B-5971 Alphanumeric Nixie Tube
- Replaces SK-136 Socket
- Plugs into B-5971 Nixie Tube - SmartLink
- Breadboard Friendly
- 2.8mm Mounting Pads
- Project Files: [B-5971_SmartSockets.zip](https://dl.dropboxusercontent….
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Socket Board for Burroughs B-5971 Alphanumeric Nixie Tube
- Replaces SK-136 Socket
- Plugs into B-5971 Nixie Tube - SmartLink
- Breadboard Friendly
- 2.8mm Mounting Pads
- Project Files: [B-5971_SmartSockets.zip](https://dl.dropboxusercontent….
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B-5971 Nixe Tube - SmartSocket TypeB (1of3)
2 layer board of 0.79 x 1.10 inches (20.1 x 27.9 mm)
April 19, 2014
June 09, 2014
Total Price:
SK-136 Socket Adapter for Burroughs B-5971 Alphanumeric Nixie Tube
- Accepts SK-136 Socket
- Plugs into B-5971 Nixie Tube - SmartLink
- Breadboard Friendly
- Project Files: [B-5971_SmartSockets.zip](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/334489/Sm…
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SK-136 Socket Adapter for Burroughs B-5971 Alphanumeric Nixie Tube
- Accepts SK-136 Socket
- Plugs into B-5971 Nixie Tube - SmartLink
- Breadboard Friendly
- Project Files: [B-5971_SmartSockets.zip](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/334489/Sm…
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B-5971 Nixe Tube - SmartLink (2of3)
2 layer board of 0.79 x 1.56 inches (20.1 x 39.6 mm)
April 19, 2014
June 09, 2014
Total Price:
I/O Adapter Board for B-5971 Alphanumeric Nixie Tube
- Plugs into B-5971 Nixie Tube - SmartSocket TypeA or TypeB
- B-5971 Nixie Tube - SmartDriver plugs…
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I/O Adapter Board for B-5971 Alphanumeric Nixie Tube
- Plugs into B-5971 Nixie Tube - SmartSocket TypeA or TypeB
- B-5971 Nixie Tube - SmartDriver plugs…
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B-5971 Nixe Tube - SmartDriver (3of3)
2 layer board of 1.64 x 1.56 inches (41.7 x 39.6 mm)
April 19, 2014
June 09, 2014
Total Price:
Driver Board for Burroughs B-5971 Alphanumeric Nixie Tube
- PIC16F690 Running SmartSocket Code
- Plugs into back of B-5971 Nixie Tube - SmartLink at 90°
- Based on B7971 V2 - Chris/fixitsan2
- Thanks to Sjef van Gool for cathode resistor values…
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Driver Board for Burroughs B-5971 Alphanumeric Nixie Tube
- PIC16F690 Running SmartSocket Code
- Plugs into back of B-5971 Nixie Tube - SmartLink at 90°
- Based on B7971 V2 - Chris/fixitsan2
- Thanks to Sjef van Gool for cathode resistor values…
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