Shared Projects by hamspot

Shared Projects by hamspot


2 layer board of 1.18 x 1.75 inches (29.9 x 44.4 mm)
Uploaded: April 08, 2014
Shared: November 17, 2014
Total Price: $10.25

The Yaesu FT-736R remains a popular satellite ground station transceiver. However some modern computer software is not compatible with the CAT interface on the FT-736R. Ham Radio Deluxe, in particular, does not support the FT-736R. Ham Radio Deluxe does support the Yaesu FT-847 which has simil…

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The Yaesu FT-736R remains a popular satellite ground station transceiver. However some modern computer software is not compatible with the CAT interface on the FT-736R. Ham Radio Deluxe, in particular, does not support the FT-736R. Ham Radio Deluxe does support the Yaesu FT-847 which has simil…

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