Shared Projects by gvisser

Shared Projects by gvisser


2 layer board of 1.90 x 0.91 inches (48.2 x 23.2 mm)
Uploaded: December 04, 2018
Shared: December 04, 2018
Total Price: $8.65

SiPM bias voltage regulator and current monitor test circuit.

A test board for a precision positive 0 to 70 V regulator with ~800 uA output current limit and 0-400 uA output current monitoring. Expect noise <200 uV rms and <5 Ohm DC and <100 Ohm AC output impedance.

SiPM bias voltage regulator and current monitor test circuit.

A test board for a precision positive 0 to 70 V regulator with ~800 uA output current limit and 0-400 uA output current monitoring. Expect noise <200 uV rms and <5 Ohm DC and <100 Ohm AC output impedance.

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