Shared Projects by femtoduino

Shared Projects by femtoduino


2 layer board of 0.82 x 0.60 inches (20.8 x 15.3 mm)
Uploaded: October 12, 2012
Shared: July 09, 2015
Total Price: $2.45

Femtoduino board

Femtoduino board

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Femtoduino Breakout Shield

2 layer board of 1.47 x 0.97 inches (37.2 x 24.5 mm)
Uploaded: February 16, 2013
Shared: July 09, 2015
Total Price: $7.05

Breakout shield for the Femtoduino

Breakout shield for the Femtoduino

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FemtoUSB, r1.0.2

4 layer board of 0.82 x 0.60 inches (20.7 x 15.3 mm)
Uploaded: March 06, 2015
Shared: July 09, 2015
Total Price: $4.80

Atmel SAMD21E18A ARM Cortex M0+

Atmel SAMD21E18A ARM Cortex M0+

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2 layer board of 1.36 x 0.65 inches (34.5 x 16.6 mm)
Uploaded: May 11, 2014
Shared: July 24, 2014
Total Price: $4.40

Updated FemtoduinoBLE to use D8 and D9 for software serial

Updated FemtoduinoBLE to use D8 and D9 for software serial

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2 layer board of 1.35 x 0.80 inches (34.2 x 20.3 mm)
Uploaded: July 18, 2013
Shared: July 30, 2013
Total Price: $5.35

SOIC Breakout board for the NXP PCA9555A chip. Provides additional GPIO pins to any microcontroller.

SOIC Breakout board for the NXP PCA9555A chip. Provides additional GPIO pins to any microcontroller.

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