Shared Projects by dwc238

Shared Projects by dwc238

APA Motor Node

2 layer board of 1.11 x 1.98 inches (28.2 x 50.3 mm)
Uploaded: June 22, 2015
Shared: June 22, 2015
Total Price: $10.95

ATTiny84, APA Headers, Pololu breakouts

ATTiny84, APA Headers, Pololu breakouts

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ESkin - Autonomic System

2 layer board of 2.48 x 2.15 inches (63.0 x 54.6 mm)
Uploaded: August 05, 2014
Shared: August 05, 2014
Total Price: $26.60

v1 of the distributed control for the ESkin project

v1 of the distributed control for the ESkin project

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Spider Board

2 layer board of 1.31 x 1.31 inches (33.2 x 33.2 mm)
Uploaded: February 13, 2014
Shared: February 13, 2014
Total Price: $8.50

Control Board for Spider Robot

Control Board for Spider Robot

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