Shared Projects by dmeliza

Shared Projects by dmeliza


2 layer board of 1.79 x 1.20 inches (45.4 x 30.5 mm)
Uploaded: May 22, 2023
Shared: September 21, 2023
Total Price: $10.70

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starboard A2B

2 layer board of 2.83 x 2.16 inches (71.9 x 54.7 mm)
Uploaded: March 19, 2015
Shared: March 19, 2015
Total Price: $30.50

operant control cape rev A2B

operant control cape rev A2B

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Starboard LED breakout A2B

2 layer board of 0.73 x 0.45 inches (18.4 x 11.4 mm)
Uploaded: March 17, 2015
Shared: March 17, 2015
Total Price: $1.60

breakout board for OSRAM RGB LED

breakout board for OSRAM RGB LED

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led breakout A2

2 layer board of 0.73 x 0.45 inches (18.4 x 11.4 mm)
Uploaded: May 29, 2014
Shared: March 17, 2015
Total Price: $1.60

breakout board for OSRAM RGB LED

breakout board for OSRAM RGB LED

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Starboard A2A

2 layer board of 2.83 x 2.16 inches (71.9 x 54.7 mm)
Uploaded: July 24, 2014
Shared: March 17, 2015
Total Price: $30.50

starboard operant control cape

starboard operant control cape

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