Shared Projects by cannikin

Shared Projects by cannikin

GameBoy Zero PCB

2 layer board of 3.20 x 2.06 inches (81.3 x 52.3 mm)
Uploaded: May 12, 2016
Shared: May 12, 2016
Total Price: $32.90

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Cameron Tech Offroad CPU v1.1.0

2 layer board of 3.11 x 1.01 inches (78.9 x 25.6 mm)
Uploaded: February 26, 2015
Shared: October 09, 2015
Total Price: $15.65

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Cameron Tech 24v Shapeoko Power Distributor v1.0.0

2 layer board of 3.78 x 1.00 inches (96.0 x 25.4 mm)
Uploaded: February 03, 2014
Shared: February 03, 2014
Total Price: $18.85

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Cameron Tech 3-way switch breakout

2 layer board of 0.80 x 0.53 inches (20.4 x 13.5 mm)
Uploaded: October 14, 2013
Shared: October 17, 2013
Total Price: $2.10

Breakout board for Sparkfun surface mount navigation switch

Breakout board for Sparkfun surface mount navigation switch

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Cameron Tech 5v & 3.3v Dual Regulator v1.1.1

2 layer board of 1.00 x 1.00 inches (25.4 x 25.4 mm)
Uploaded: October 01, 2013
Shared: October 01, 2013
Total Price: $4.95

Take <20v in and send 5v and 3.3v out.

Take <20v in and send 5v and 3.3v out.

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