Shared Projects by Sperly

Shared Projects by Sperly

SlimLightController, RevC

2 layer board of 1.07 x 0.68 inches (27.1 x 17.3 mm)
Uploaded: November 10, 2014
Shared: November 10, 2014
Total Price: $3.60

Revision C of Slim Light Controller. Uses a ATTINY84A to control a string of WS2812B lights. (See ). The firmware then uses micronucleus bootloader (See , the testing branch) to get rid of the need for …

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Revision C of Slim Light Controller. Uses a ATTINY84A to control a string of WS2812B lights. (See ). The firmware then uses micronucleus bootloader (See , the testing branch) to get rid of the need for …

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2 layer board of 3.10 x 0.26 inches (78.6 x 6.5 mm)
Uploaded: January 18, 2014
Shared: January 18, 2014
Total Price: $3.95

Slim light bar, modular

Slim light bar, modular

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