Shared Projects by SeattleDiver

Shared Projects by SeattleDiver

Proximity Sensor Breakout Board

2 layer board of 1.95 x 2.21 inches (49.5 x 56.2 mm)
Uploaded: April 1st 2020
Shared: April 7th 2020
Total Price: $21.55

PNP Proximity Sensor breakout board. Connect 24V-36V, 5V, and ground, and this board distributes power to up to three (3) PNP proximity sensors, level shifts the sensor active input signal, conditions them and sends the signals to your CNC breakout board inputs, at TTL logic levels.


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PNP Proximity Sensor breakout board. Connect 24V-36V, 5V, and ground, and this board distributes power to up to three (3) PNP proximity sensors, level shifts the sensor active input signal, conditions them and sends the signals to your CNC breakout board inputs, at TTL logic levels.


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