Shared Projects by Midelic

Shared Projects by Midelic

Multiprotocol adapter module board(A7105+CC2500)

2 layer board of 1.68 x 0.54 inches (42.8 x 13.8 mm)
Uploaded: March 16, 2015
Shared: July 19, 2015
Total Price: $4.55

Adapter pcb for using different RF modules in multiprotocol setup.In this case different A7105 harvested from V911TX and different CC2500 modules, the PCBA module from BG.

Adapter pcb for using different RF modules in multiprotocol setup.In this case different A7105 harvested from V911TX and different CC2500 modules, the PCBA module from BG.

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Midelic Multiwii+FlySky RX+GY-521(MPU-6050)

2 layer board of 0.96 x 1.02 inches (24.4 x 25.8 mm)
Uploaded: April 27, 2014
Shared: April 27, 2014
Total Price: $4.85

Multiwii board with integrated FlyskyRx revD

Multiwii board with integrated FlyskyRx revD

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