Shared Projects by JoyMonkey

Shared Projects by JoyMonkey


2 layer board of 0.72 x 0.82 inches (18.2 x 20.8 mm)
Uploaded: April 30, 2015
Shared: August 09, 2016
Total Price: $2.90

A little Pro Mini "shield" for testing RSeries LED boards

A little Pro Mini "shield" for testing RSeries LED boards

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Padawan Shield (Jacked BY8001)

2 layer board of 2.04 x 2.28 inches (51.8 x 57.8 mm)
Uploaded: February 27, 2016
Shared: February 27, 2016
Total Price: $23.20


Arduino shield with two sockets for BY8001 audio modules, breakouts for wireless PS2 receiver and motor controllers, a hefty 5V regulator.

Big thanks to Ron for pointing me to the BY8001 modules!


Arduino shield with two sockets for BY8001 audio modules, breakouts for wireless PS2 receiver and motor controllers, a hefty 5V regulator.

Big thanks to Ron for pointing me to the BY8001 modules!

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FLD7 (Teeces v3)

2 layer board of 1.78 x 1.38 inches (45.1 x 35.0 mm)
Uploaded: May 30, 2012
Shared: February 22, 2016
Total Price: $12.20

Front Logic Display board

Front Logic Display board

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RLD v3.1

2 layer board of 4.98 x 1.70 inches (126.4 x 43.0 mm)
Uploaded: May 30, 2012
Shared: February 22, 2016
Total Price: $42.15

Teeces Version 3.1 RLD

Teeces Version 3.1 RLD

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PSI v3.2

2 layer board of 1.89 x 1.89 inches (47.9 x 47.9 mm)
Uploaded: September 19, 2012
Shared: February 22, 2016
Total Price: $17.75

Latest (hopefully final) Lots-O-LEDs design

Latest (hopefully final) Lots-O-LEDs design

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