Shared Projects by BradGrantham

Shared Projects by BradGrantham


2 layer board of 1.05 x 3.25 inches (26.6 x 82.4 mm)
Uploaded: January 27, 2016
Shared: January 27, 2016
Total Price: $16.95

64-pin DIP breakout for the STM32F415RG

DO NOT USE: This one shorts VSSA and VDDA to 3.3V and has an incorrect silkscreen.

Use this fixed one instead. It's also cheaper, although untested.

64-pin DIP breakout for the STM32F415RG

DO NOT USE: This one shorts VSSA and VDDA to 3.3V and has an incorrect silkscreen.

Use this fixed one instead. It's also cheaper, although untested.

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