Shared Projects by Atltvhead

Shared Projects by Atltvhead

Thumb Keyboard Segment v116_2022-07-24

2 layer board of 1.42 x 0.98 inches (36.1 x 25.0 mm)
Uploaded: July 24, 2022
Shared: July 24, 2022
Total Price: $6.95

Faux Twiddler Thumb board

Faux Twiddler Thumb board

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Single Handed Keyboard Segment

2 layer board of 0.36 x 2.90 inches (9.1 x 73.7 mm)
Uploaded: December 08, 2021
Shared: December 08, 2021
Total Price: $5.15

Keyboard Segment for a twiddler like controller

Keyboard Segment for a twiddler like controller

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Faux Twiddler Brain Board

2 layer board of 1.20 x 2.12 inches (30.5 x 53.8 mm)
Uploaded: November 21, 2021
Shared: November 21, 2021
Total Price: $12.70

ARP2040_IO_Expander v54_2021-11-21

Using an Arduino connect rp2040 and an MCP23017E/SO IO expander to read the 16 key switches for my Faux Twiddler chorded keyboard. See the project here on hackaday

ARP2040_IO_Expander v54_2021-11-21

Using an Arduino connect rp2040 and an MCP23017E/SO IO expander to read the 16 key switches for my Faux Twiddler chorded keyboard. See the project here on hackaday

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Headphone AMP V2

2 layer board of 2.89 x 2.75 inches (73.4 x 69.8 mm)
Uploaded: December 20, 2015
Shared: December 20, 2015
Total Price: $39.70

second version on the 12AU7 tube amp headphone amp

second version on the 12AU7 tube amp headphone amp

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Headlamp V3

2 layer board of 2.55 x 1.20 inches (64.8 x 30.5 mm)
Uploaded: April 18, 2015
Shared: April 18, 2015
Total Price: $15.30

only change from V2 is there is thermal support for the LED drivers.

only change from V2 is there is thermal support for the LED drivers.

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