Shared Projects by 8bitbanger

Shared Projects by 8bitbanger


4 layer board of 2.16 x 0.79 inches (54.8 x 20.1 mm)
Uploaded: November 27th 2018
Shared: December 11th 2018
Total Price: $17.00

Spacewire breakout adaptor board - one microD9 socket, one microD9 pin connector. Conforms to ESA spacewire guidance regarding inner shield handling (pin 3's) - broken out to pin headers, not inherently connected through (may use jumper from side to side in order to connect inner shields together…

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Spacewire breakout adaptor board - one microD9 socket, one microD9 pin connector. Conforms to ESA spacewire guidance regarding inner shield handling (pin 3's) - broken out to pin headers, not inherently connected through (may use jumper from side to side in order to connect inner shields together…

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